Featured work NBC News — August 2020“Muñoz is one of at least 4,385 people who have sought asylum in the U.S. since 2007 through a claim of anti-LGBTQ persecution in their home country, according to exclusive data obtained by NBC News through a Freedom of Information Act request to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.” “The identity of these artists is not disclosed, so we have no way of knowing whether any of the still lifes or studies in vanishing points are the work of celebrity detainees like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or the lesser-known among the 176 remaining prisoners at Gitmo.”Slate.com — Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — Sept. 2010 Marketplace Radio — Washington, DC — May 2015“The National Mall in Washington, D. C., has a fowl problem: Canada geese, and lots of them.” “A viral fake news story linked trans health care to 'thousands' of deaths”NBC News — Sept. 2019 GlobalPost / The World — Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — August 2010“The trial of Omar Khadr, 23, opened here Monday… Other Western countries have secured the release of their citizens from Guantanamo, but successive Canadian governments have refused to even ask for Khadr’s return.” Slate.com — Beirut, Lebanon — January 2011“…Hezbollah rallied its March 8 allies and staged a walkout that was nearly perfectly timed to humiliate Hariri in front of Obama. By the time Hariri left Washington, it was already clear that his ‘national unity’ Cabinet had fallen apart.” NPR —Washington, DC — August 2011“We came up with the idea to create OutServe to start connecting active-duty gay and lesbians using hidden social media.” “‘I did not imagine I would get trapped here in Mexico,’ Fernandez, who fled persecution by President Nicolás Maduro’s government in Venezuela, said. ‘Being trapped here already has me hopeless.’”NBCNews.com — August 2020